Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Yankees Retiring #20, #46 and #51 This Summer

Picture quality on fleek.

This is it, this is what's it all about as a Yankee fan. These 5 guys brought me, and an entire generation of fans more fond memories than any of us deserved. I mean, imagine growing up attempting to emulate any other group of guys on the diamond in little league... I certainly can't.

Mariano, Andy and Jeets were/are all locks, and always have been. This is obviously entirely deserved for those guys, but I never questioned that they would be have their digits immortalized in Monument Park. If I'm being completely honest, I'm happiest for Bernie and Jorge that they're getting the appropriate treatment themselves.

It's been quite a while for Bernie, and although 2 1st ballot HOF guys have been denied #51 since he called it a career (Randy Johnson and Ichiro) it still seemed 50/50 on whether the number would be retired or just "taken out of the cycle" for a while. Bernie is an absolute class act, and I for one am thrilled to be able to bring my kids to the Stadium one day and tell stories of how #51 patrolled Center Field.

Same goes for Jorge. He got that last ring in 09, but was always overshadowed by Jeter, Mo and Pettitte. I think you could make a strong argument that he was the heart and soul of the team. His bat was always taken for granted, especially in the mid-2000's when he was without question a top 3 all around catcher in the entire league. Fuck Pedro Martinez.
#NoBattingGloves #NoProblem

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