Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Seth MacFarlane Slays Huh?

This is kinda nuts, no? I mean I'm a Family Guy fan, and a fan of beautiful women, but I never, ever. ever made a connection between the two beyond Mila playing Meg (still weird). I mean, MacFarlane's dating record goes toe-to-toe with the heavy-weights, and absolutely obliterates anybody else I can think from any sort of comedic background.

He's dating fucking Khalissi! Emelia Clarke is perfect, she is. Just an absolute mismatch, can't believe it's real. Like I guess he's a solid looking guy, LOADED and funny, but that seems like it would only play to a certain point? Like he'd RAKE anywhere else in the world, but Hollywood just seems like another planet. Maybe I'm selling him short, just blows my mind.  He's drinking from the top-shelf. I want to hate it, I want to so bad, but I can't. I'd do anything to get paid millions and millions of dollars to write 3 funny seasons of Family Guy and then literally mail the rest of my life in and smash tens. Dude's got it made.

He's been linked to Charlize Theron, Eliza Dushku (massively underrated) and also Alexis Knapp. She's the slutty one from Pitch Perfect who is also maybe Number One on my Hollywood Fuck-List, absolute MINX. Can't get enough of her.


What fucking planet am I on? Who knows if any of this is true in a dating sense, but you know he's fucked all these chicks. Anytime two people in Hollywood are "linked" it's a guarantee they've smashed. These people get like no time off, you think two mutually single, successful people in Hollywood are just gonna "hang-out"?? Go to a coffee shop or a deli and platonically spend the day rehashing how they both "made it"? That's called pillow talk, read a book for me one time.

The fact that Peter Fucking Griffin has sent each of these chicks to get a hand towel to wipe him/themselves down is just something I have trouble comprehending. I believe it, and it actually gives me some weird sense of hope, but it's OUTRAGEOUS.


This is the best. Brian Griffin slinging dick to Lily Truscott. Emily Osment? That's pure greed. She doesn't hold a candle to the aforementioned girls, she's just his Tuesday Girl. Unbelievable. How many times has Seth used a Haley Joel Osment joke in Family Guy? At least like ten. Fast forward a decade and he's fucking the guy's sister. Christ Almighty, talk about owning another dude's life.

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