Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Seth MacFarlane Slays Huh?

This is kinda nuts, no? I mean I'm a Family Guy fan, and a fan of beautiful women, but I never, ever. ever made a connection between the two beyond Mila playing Meg (still weird). I mean, MacFarlane's dating record goes toe-to-toe with the heavy-weights, and absolutely obliterates anybody else I can think from any sort of comedic background.

He's dating fucking Khalissi! Emelia Clarke is perfect, she is. Just an absolute mismatch, can't believe it's real. Like I guess he's a solid looking guy, LOADED and funny, but that seems like it would only play to a certain point? Like he'd RAKE anywhere else in the world, but Hollywood just seems like another planet. Maybe I'm selling him short, just blows my mind.  He's drinking from the top-shelf. I want to hate it, I want to so bad, but I can't. I'd do anything to get paid millions and millions of dollars to write 3 funny seasons of Family Guy and then literally mail the rest of my life in and smash tens. Dude's got it made.

He's been linked to Charlize Theron, Eliza Dushku (massively underrated) and also Alexis Knapp. She's the slutty one from Pitch Perfect who is also maybe Number One on my Hollywood Fuck-List, absolute MINX. Can't get enough of her.


What fucking planet am I on? Who knows if any of this is true in a dating sense, but you know he's fucked all these chicks. Anytime two people in Hollywood are "linked" it's a guarantee they've smashed. These people get like no time off, you think two mutually single, successful people in Hollywood are just gonna "hang-out"?? Go to a coffee shop or a deli and platonically spend the day rehashing how they both "made it"? That's called pillow talk, read a book for me one time.

The fact that Peter Fucking Griffin has sent each of these chicks to get a hand towel to wipe him/themselves down is just something I have trouble comprehending. I believe it, and it actually gives me some weird sense of hope, but it's OUTRAGEOUS.


This is the best. Brian Griffin slinging dick to Lily Truscott. Emily Osment? That's pure greed. She doesn't hold a candle to the aforementioned girls, she's just his Tuesday Girl. Unbelievable. How many times has Seth used a Haley Joel Osment joke in Family Guy? At least like ten. Fast forward a decade and he's fucking the guy's sister. Christ Almighty, talk about owning another dude's life.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Is There a Better Feeling than when Your Hangover Subsides?

Today I woke up with one of the worst hangovers of all time. I speak alot in hyperbole, but I genuinely think today was in the discussion for the most hungover a human being has ever been. I'd planned on having a nice evening with a lady friend of mine, well that never materialized, but then Stu came down from the heavens saying him and Glenborough were chillin. A bottle Jack, zero water and less than zero food sent me to the woodshed for the entirety of today. Called out of work, puked after reading that balloons were really just "plastic sacks of breath" and then puked again for no reason. Outragous.

After spending hundreds of minutes on pornhub, I knew it was time to do something, which really only means one thing:


Seriously this movie is so legendary that it crushed my hangover, which now ranks among the Top 5 moments of my life. Just an unbelievable experience, it's like being reborn. How could I be on death's doorstep one minute, then be ready to drink again the next? Re-evaluating your entire life's worth of choices, to just being fine again, ready to make more dumb decisions at the drop of a hat. What a ride. There isn't a better feeling in the world than conquering a  hangover. Period.

Actually, why not make this a challenge to the other Nardhouse guys, come up with a better feeling than when your ferocious hangover ends, you can't.

The Islanders Get a Well-Needed Win from the Best Team in the NHL

After that atrocious loss to the Rangers on Monday, the Islanders have won 2 in a row. The second win happened to be against the team 5 points ahead of every other team in the league, the dominant Nashville Predators. I'm not going to lie, I was scared going into this game. The Isles were not playing their best hockey and the Predators were. I was worried about Pekka Rinne, who has been having a a career year and on track to win both the Vezina and Hart trophies. Halak is having a career year as well, but nothing like Rinne's.

The roles seemed reversed last night as the Isles threw 5 in net to beat the Predators 5-2. Halak had a few great saves, as did Rinne, but it wasn't enough to stop this rolling Isles offense. Everyone has seemed to really pick up the slack to fill the Okposo void. Nelson and Strome seem to be slowly coming back to form, and John Tavares has been DOMINANT. He's now broken into the top 5 in both overall points and goals and is steadily climbing the ranks. He's my favorite NY athlete and I really don't know why he isn't yours. He's poised to have an amazing career and I've been in the front row since 2009. MVP! MVP!

Nick Leddy had a great game last night with a beautiful goal after a great feed from Colin McDonald, and 2 assists. Leddy has probably been my favorite addition to this Islanders team. He's the fastest defenseman on the ice and is always involved in great scoring and defensive plays. He's everywhere. He's also turns 24 in a month, adding another young gun to this kid team.

Injury Report: Mikhail Grabovski took a huge hit from Bobby Nystrom's son and went down. He's of course suffered an upper-body injury, the vaguest injury classification out there. This is a a huge loss. Grabovski was one of the offensive veteran additions at the beginning of the year and has clearly contributed and mentored. With Casey Cizikas out till Tuesday, and Okposo still on the IR, it's gonna be tough beating the Capitols. I fucking hate them.

With all of the injuries Capuano is deciding to call up Kael Mouillerat for the first time. Excited to see what Mouillerat can do; he leads the Islander's AHL affiliate Bridegport Sound Tigers with 40 points.

An Islanders win and a Rangers loss made for a great Thursday. I have to say though that I've never been more excited for a playoff series. Shit is going to be wild.

Keep it rollin' Isles. YES! YES! YES!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Melo Out for the Rest of the Season

This comes as no surprise to anyone unlucky enough to be following the Knicks this year. What is absolutely infuriating is that it's taken this long. A 4-6 month rehab cuts things pretty close to next season, and with the most important summer on the horizon, the way this was handled inspires little-to-no hope whatsoever.

What's worse is that it marks the first far-reaching example of Melo making himself bigger than the franchise. He's the most powerful man in MSG, not Phil, not Dolan... Carmelo. This certainly reeks of him pushing things so he could participate in the All-Star game and then shut it down, which is downright ridiculous. I hope that's not where we're at with Melo, but I wouldn't be surprised one ounce. He could've served as an "ambassador" to upcoming FA's off the court while trying to get better, so the notion that his participation was necessary doesn't fly.

I've been a Carmelo Apologist since his first minute in a Knicks uniform, but Christ Almighty this guy makes it difficult. I mean I can't even fathom being a superstar athlete in NYC, but then again I can;t fathom being paid $125 million to play a game for five years.  Between this whole Corporate Melo persona he's been pushing of late and literally zero positive impact on the floor, things were getting hasty. Now factor in the health concern that we may never get back the Carmelo Anthony we've seen at MSG since 2011, today sucks.Seen it way too many times before, and he isn't exactly 24 anymore.

If that 62 point performance that certainly felt like a swansong last year was the finale, the last glimmer of the Carmelo Anthony we collectively put all of our faith into, I'll be sad. I'll be mad, but I won't be surprised.

I really really really fucking hope not though. Watching that live, a regular season game against the fucking Bobcats, shouldn't have mattered, but it did. I put Carmelo's performance here right up there with the best I've ever watched. He didn't miss, and when he did they collected an offensive board and he scored anyway. The stage, the atmosphere, it truly was only in New York. Need a healthy, hungry Melo back. Need it.

Yankees Retiring #20, #46 and #51 This Summer

Picture quality on fleek.

This is it, this is what's it all about as a Yankee fan. These 5 guys brought me, and an entire generation of fans more fond memories than any of us deserved. I mean, imagine growing up attempting to emulate any other group of guys on the diamond in little league... I certainly can't.

Mariano, Andy and Jeets were/are all locks, and always have been. This is obviously entirely deserved for those guys, but I never questioned that they would be have their digits immortalized in Monument Park. If I'm being completely honest, I'm happiest for Bernie and Jorge that they're getting the appropriate treatment themselves.

It's been quite a while for Bernie, and although 2 1st ballot HOF guys have been denied #51 since he called it a career (Randy Johnson and Ichiro) it still seemed 50/50 on whether the number would be retired or just "taken out of the cycle" for a while. Bernie is an absolute class act, and I for one am thrilled to be able to bring my kids to the Stadium one day and tell stories of how #51 patrolled Center Field.

Same goes for Jorge. He got that last ring in 09, but was always overshadowed by Jeter, Mo and Pettitte. I think you could make a strong argument that he was the heart and soul of the team. His bat was always taken for granted, especially in the mid-2000's when he was without question a top 3 all around catcher in the entire league. Fuck Pedro Martinez.
#NoBattingGloves #NoProblem

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Belated Amar'e Stoudemire Blog

I know this happened like days ago, and in the fast-paced internet world we now live in, why would anyone want to read this today?
Again: sorry, I have a life.

Now I do agree with everyone else commenting on Amar'e leaving: that the guy really didn't do anything in New York. He was just another Jew in NYC with bad knees. The team that he started back in 2010 is completely gone, and all the hopes of finally bringing a championship that wasn't won in the disco era, to New York City are up in flames. We honestly didn't even come close. The 2012-2013 season was amazing yes, but once they could barely squeak by Boston in the first round of the playoffs it was obvious this wasn't THE team. And even so, I don't think Amar'e helped us win those 6 games in those playoffs. Did he even play? I don't remember.

Despite Amar'e's inability to play with Melo, his constant injuries and overall inconsistency, he still holds a special place in my heart. He really is the guy who made the Knicks relevant again. I did a good chunk of growing up in the 2000's, and after being spoiled with the amazing 90's Knicks teams as a child, the 2000's under basketball "genius" Isiah Thomas was a really depressing time. As I came into adolescence the basketball team that I had loved as a child fell into obscurity and actually became the laughing stock of the NBA. As I grew into loving the sport, I had to face the facts that my team was a literal joke. Watching those games either on TV or at the Garden was one of the saddest stretches of my sports-loving career. It was a basketball depression that affected the entire city, and boy could you feel it.

Then Donnie Walsh came in, and having no top-tier free agent left to sign, he took Amar'e. And wasn't the first half of that year great?! Amar'e, Wilson Chandler, Landry, Gallinari and skinny Felton were electrifying to watch, and although they had no pure superstar, they were going to make the playoffs and maybe not be the laughing stock of the league. Then Melo came, Amar'e got hurt, and the rest is history.

And although this team never quite panned out:

And although this current year is the worst in Knick's history, it still does not seem as bleak as it did pre-Amar'e. We've got Melo, we've got the Zen Master, and we have a lot of cap space. Bottom line: Amar'e's arrival did indeed bring the Knicks out of the dark ages.

bcase Editor's Note: 
I wish more than anything I had the positive outlook of my colleague Treehorn. Amare energized the fanbase in way that I'll always remember, but the bottom line is that this experiment was a huge failure. Melo and Amare could never play together, that was clear about 5 games in, but we still tried forcing it with them two and that marshmallow-soft motherfucker Tyson Chandler. Amare was paid 100 MIL to play here and be the savior, pretty sweet gig. Knicks fans acting like he did this out of charity are driving me up the wall. I dunno, I'll always look back fondly at Amare's first 50 games, and that 2012-2013 team (Melo, STAT, Chandler, Kidd, Sheed JR, Shump, Copeland, Prigioni, Novak and the rest - what a ridiculous cast of characters) which ranks pretty high as one of the most fun to root for in my lifetime despite Chandler shitting down his fucking leg against the Pacers.Seriously, fuck that guy and the Mavs. Amare is going to Dallas and I couldn't hope for them to fail more. Whatever, at least we get to watch Langston Galloway for 35 more games right?

Monday, February 16, 2015

HEY! HEY! HEY! Rangers beat Isles 6-5 in The Collesium

Wild. That was nuts from wire-to-wire, sucks somebody had to lose that one holy shit. Sucks for Treehorn and the rest of the Brookylnights-to-be that they had to take that one on the chin. More importantly though, HOW BOUT THEM RANGERS?

I mean, this is the kinda win that this team needed more than anyone could imagine.Can't say enough good things about the resiliency of this team after JT throttled em 11 seconds in. I thought this was gonna be a 7-0 spanking, or something of the like which would've really put this team under the microscope heading into the deadline.

Fuck that noise though, thanks to the Fucking Captain and his crew, the Blueshirts came away victorious in the biggest regular season hockey game this city has seen in decades. Huge statement yeah, but true. This is the win that propels the Rangers back into the title conversation that they had slipped out of. Mac Truck is back, and aside from that head-scratching giveaway in the second he played LIGHTS OUT when we needed him.

Wow. Hockey fucking rocks.

Stay the course until we get Hank back boys, that was TREMENDOUS.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Scrotal Frostbite

God DAMN it is cold in the city today. Bundle up people or it could be your scrot that's being surgically removed at the end of the day.

Listen, I'm the first person to call someone a pussy for wearing one of those face-warming mask disasters. I've come to expect it out of the New York/Boston Asians because they have no idea what's going on around them, but when I see anyone else wearing one I just shake my head. It's not like we're living in fucking Saskatchewan people. Have we become so jaded that once it drops below 40 degrees the entire city throws on six layers? Folks from Canada and Russia who visit New York probably just laugh their asses off. People shivering and complaining all day. If I'm ever feeling cold I just think that there is someone going for a run in Siberia in nothing but sweatpants and a hoodie and I immediately sack up.

But today is the exception. Wear any weird face warming device you can find. Today is the one day I am actually angry I don't own a pair of long underwear. This cold streak is also the last thing the Northeast needs right now. I love snow, but not city snow, and it's not going anywhere any time soon. The dirty white piles filled with cigarette butts that line the streets are here to stay! At this rate the city snow and treacherous ice won't thaw out until Memorial Day. I swear there has been a dead rat frozen in the snow on West 52nd Street for weeks. It's hard to decompose when people's tits are freezing off. And this is a city rat so it's two feet long. Absolutely disgusting.

The only place I've seen bigger rats is in Boston, and that's where I happen to be heading this weekend. It's supposed to blizzard the day I'm returning, so fuck me right?! My girlfriend better REALLY enjoy my presence.

Stay warm.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Fuck Boy Starter Pack: 2015

I don't know a lick about fashion, let me just start there so this doesn't come off as preachy. I try to dress not-like-a-snob without crossing the line. I usually cross that line, but fuck it, style ain't free. I do also frequent stores enough to notice trends, and the changing styles of stuff the people on the sales floor are trying to shove down your throat.

It sucks. I'm so out on 99% of the stuff that's "in" it isn't even funny.

Another thing to get out of the way is the definition of a fuckboy, for our purposes today. I know it means different things in different circles, but for me in 2015 it's anybody who starts a gofundme page, artificially embraces "urban culture" for the irony of it and/or wears any of this shit.

We all know one. Fuckboys are Diet Hipsters, they just aren't smart enough to be full-calorie hipsters. You know the kid who incessantly posts pizza memes and has a Lil' B quote as his instagram bio? Tried to get you to listen to OFWGKTA 18 months ago saying they were the best thing going? That's a fuckboy. Kinda like the new version of scene kids, a little less sketchy, a little more entitled and equally as useless to society.

Let's start at the top,

The 5 Panel Cap-
These hats are the worst. They're not comfortable, give your head a PREPOSTEROUS shape, and they make you look like an absolute dickhead. There's not even a logical reason behind wearing one because with that tiny fucking brim the sun is still gonna steamroll your eyeballs without sunglasses. Instead of speaking loud enough for me to hear your uninformed vitriol about the shortcomings of whatever authoritative state you woke up with a problem with today, why don't you go play freeze tag on a highway? Win win for everyone who has ever met you.

Anything Stussy-
Stussy shit is the absolute WORST. I don't know what it is about it, the black/white/grey color scheme they use maybe? The fact that they make everyone look like an ASAP Rocky halloween costume? The retarded shape of their clothes? (Do you even sleeves bro?) No clue. Just drives me insane. A bunch of try-hards doing try-hard things. Probably my least favorite of all fuckboy trends because it's the most infallible. One in a million chance anybody wearing Stussy clothing is a worthwhile human being, and that's being generous.

Camo Pants-
GET DOWN! TRENCHES TRENCHES! RETREAT! Wait... wrong camo setting my bad. Are these guys defending our country or posing like dickheads?

Dickheads? Dickheads it is.

I mean christ almighty where do you begin? The camo pants look is just shit. Like those are 3 way over the top but acceptable outfits in my opinion with a pair of khakis. You throw on fucking camo like your fucking Lieutenant Dan though and I can't wish enough bad things on you. Get a clue.

(Double Standard - Anything camo on chicks is fire. Is that girl gonna be wifey material? No, almost assuredly not, but that doesn't diminish how good it can look when done correctly.)

I kinda always thought rocking Toms was like a discrete smoke signal for gay guys which signified they were taken, single, DTF or whatever. (Red = Taken, Blue = Single, Green = DTF, Black = Ask To Find Out.)

Guess I was wrong though? I've seen guys with girls wearing them, which is infuriating, flabbergasting and also just downright hilarious. I mean, what the fuck. Probably the least masculine thing any guy can wear, and the fact that that is an intriguing endeavor for girls is reminder #15651656 why they're impossible. If you can pull tail in Toms I almost respect you for playing from behind, but then again I don't at all. Whatever.

So there it is, a quick outline of what to look out for in the perpetual avoidance of fuck boys.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Blacker the Berry - Kendrick Lamar

Well, Kendrick just dropped this and it's just a little bit different than the Sheeran/Smith cover I just got finished posting. Rather than detailing the love you have for somebody or lamenting the loss of that lover, Kendrick discusses the current state of the relationship between black people and America.

What am I supposed to say here? I'm a 22 year old white guy in the Northeast United States, never faced even a second of racism or societal objectification in my life. So as much as I'd like to have a connection to this song other than an appreciation for it sonically, I can't and I CERTAINLY won't pretend to.

The reaction to this has been interesting in juxtaposition to the reaction to Kendrick's billboard interview. We're a fickle bunch, regardless of color, race or creed. Hope I'm not raising a kid in an America as divided as we are today.

ENOUGH of the heavy shit though, be nice to people (Manhattan Asians notwithstanding), take us away honey badger:

Let's All Get Drenched Together Thanks to this Ed Sheeran/Sam Smith Mash-up

So these two guys just shut down my life I think. Gossebumps City from these cats holy hell. Two scorching hot white people jams rolled into one? Show a girl, show your friends so they can show girls, whatever it takes. I don't know much, damn near close to nothing, but I do know that this is a swooning, crooning storm of vulnerability that is an off the charts first step in getting laid. Almost cheating, really. November babies for days.

In all seriousness though, "Thinking Out Loud" is my favorite song to come out in as long as I can think back. Instant classic. Instant wedding song consideration, and if you say otherwise you're trying too hard to disassociate yourself from "mainstream culture" whatever the fuck that is.

Guess what? Good things get popular for a reason.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of absolute TRASH on the radio, on the internet, being shared in your group chats, but occasionally legitimate greatness can break through and that's the realm where I think "Thinking Out Loud" falls.

Ed Sheeran is a solid artist, seems like a cool guy who probably plows chicks way better looking than him on mattresses stuffed with both Euros and Dollar bills, and this is his finest work BAR NONE. If I were him I'd hang it up now, he's not topping this song. This Sam Tsui fella did a pretty good job with it too, nowhere close to the original but a solid job nonetheless.

I'd be doing a poor job if I failed to mention how the other guy, Casey Breves, absolutely DEMOLISHES Sam Smith on his own song. Blood and guts everywhere. And I like Sam Smith, do your thing man. Four Grammy's last night, seems like a nice, humble guy and he's the unquestioned king of the gay world at the moment. Life was pretty sweet for Sam Smith in my head before I heard this rendition. Sucks it had to end so abruptly like this.

This Casey Breves guy can fucking belt, huh? Pipes. Just a remarkable talent. Pumped to look back on this post when both of these guys are famous and say I had it first.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stu: The Sexiest Thing a Woman Can Wear

Every time I see a smokeshow in leggings, it's like I've stepped onto a from-the-waste-down nude beach.
Anyone who's ever travelled to Europe and heard about these magical stretches where sand and ocean collide, and bathing suits are nonexistent, can relate to the similar childish glee I feel when a girl picks the comfortable clothing option (If anyone attests that they've ever heard a girl say that they'd rather wear any other type of clothing then that person is surely a liar).
As a species evolution has taken us so far from where we came... perhaps one of the aspects of human nature which remains least bolstered down by the development of modern societal values is sex drive. Everywhere you look… on tv- sex, Books – sex, movies- sex, songs – Sorry Ferrel, there’s no amount of blurring the lines (or the tits of the model in your music video so it can play on MTV 2) that can keep our minds off of it.
Everyone you know has probably mentioned it at some point. It's not frowned upon, which is saying a lot in today’s everyone’s-an-activist-politics-are-fun! world. in fact in recent years the spectrum of who "can" have sex with who has only gotten larger, and a view limiting the sexual exploits of any willing woman, man, transgender, transfulid, bi, gay, or other sentient life form is seen as uncultured and sometimes even criminal.
So sexual attraction will be our focus. It's certainly here to stay, and it pumps through our veins as strongly as it did the veins of our friend below:

Being that so many other things have changed around us men and our ever-fervent sex drive, it’s not quite as simple as man sees naked girl… girl sees guy seeing her… and passion ensues. Okay- maybe it still kind of is that, but with a few more blockades in between

So our problem: Feeding an animalistic sex drive in a society with so many obstacles (After all, sex drive is why we are attracted to women and care about what they wear).
In the scenario above, Mr. Geico experiences what I like to call a "chub at first sight"
The onset of said chub: What else could it be at such a distance? The female figure - There's our basis of attraction.
So let's take a look at a modern day obstacle to sex drive: Society's enforcement of the wearing of clothing.       

Before the onset of shirts and halters and dresses and pants and jeans and jersey’s and scarves and big baggy shape-diminishing fabrics came and did away with the purity of the female figure, there was only body to body contact to keep warm. It’s not enough that this exterior shell blocks our parts from colliding freely, bras and underwear were thrown in to wipe away any sense of contact at all. Try getting a girl pregnant through 4 layers of clothing – Darwin would not be very happy at all.
The solution to our problem not only happens to be a cheap alternative to all these other boner killing shape reducing forms of clothing, it is also the most comfortable choice for a girl.
Leggings are the obvious choice because there is no better compromise between playing into the whims of society and appealing to the male sex drive all at once. Candice Swanepoel is not naked below, but it sure feels like I am looking at her ass.

A half a minute in Photoshop turning those bad boys skin colored could take me from 6 to midnight faster than anything save a nude version of the same ass would. And the makings of a truly magical pair of leggings not only showcase the female ass as it was meant to be shaped, but they show me the only place I ever really want to be. Nothing compares to the pure thing, but if looking into a naked girl’s spread legs gives me a 1080p view of heaven on earth, than looking at the shape through a pair of form fitting leggings is about a 720p view of heaven’s worst neighborhood (still amazing cause its heaven), and I don’t know too many people who wouldn’t still enjoy watching the big game at that resolution. It’s like I’m looking at one without my glasses on – I’d still rather look than do pretty much anything.

And its important to note that the comfort factor has more perks than just making girls want to wear them a lot. The flexibility and falsely perceived coverage of body associated with leggings seems to make girls want to get themselves into all sorts of interesting sitting positions and leg separating kinds of seating positions.
Go on girls, get comfortable, let the leggings stretch, because as they tighten I’m basically looking at your bottom half exactly as it would appear to me if you were sitting there with nothing. Lean back, stay for a while, and let me plot the trajectory of exactly where I would enter you, the surroundings are all there, clear as day.

Don’t put on a dress please, you’d be so self-conscious about showing you underwear you’d have to go and sit with your legs crossed the whole time! That’s just not as fun for anyone.
Well you could put on jeans and try to sit however you want, but they’re so tight and uncomfortable, even if you manage to spread yourself out all I’m seeing is some taught blue fabric… Wait a second. Dry humping you would kind of hurt me wouldn’t it?
There’s really only one other sane garment type written about here, and that’s because it can be worn with leggings. Shout out to Treehorn for making another one of my points. I don’t know what he said about them specifically, but anything good can be mixed in with the leggings. Perfect for any occasion, soft enough to show most details, and complimentary to the female form. A jersey covers up the top a lot more than it should, its true. But even with no shirt and low hanging country girl tops we never get a true shape on the boobs anyway thanks to bras. Leggings are the only option that show me almost everything I need to know before I’m feeling it. The only thing better than seeing an amazing ass naked is seeing your hands cupped around it, and a close second is surely grabbing one through leggings.
Picture feeling this ass through that thin layer of fabric…

it feels like an amazing ass. Are you going to say wait a second, I need to feel this ass without those nearly nonexistent leggings on to know how much I like it? More than likely you’re already fiddling around at the other end… and guess what, she’s loving it because you’re basically touching it! Who knew that life could be this easy?
Kelsey Grammar – shout out for inventing these my man – the man with the plan. He did it during prohibition because the men still needed something… this is the role Steve Bucshemi plays in Boardwalk Empire*

Clothing is necessary, leggings fulfill the need but don’t get in the way of everything that makes admiring, looking at, and touching a girl so much fun… at least less than any other respectable form of dress gets in the way. I could go on and on but for the sake of length I will end this post here with this closing sentiment:
There will some people who agree with me, and some people who don’t. For all of those who don’t, I pray that survival of the fittest spares you for as long as it can. Me and my finches will be visiting our alma mater during finals week (because what girl wants to worry about wearing real pants and taking a test all at the same time?)

* This entire paragraph is false

bcase: The Sexiest Thing a Woman Can Wear

bcase: Cock-Tail Dresses

Welcome to the Legends Suite here at the Finer Things Club. My name is bcase, and I’ll be your host tonight. I’ll be coming by shortly with a couple of complimentary mai-tais on the house, but for now I urge you to delve into our preferred musical selection for this evening and enjoy your time here as I graciously bring you my argument for the cocktail dress. Not only as to why they're my favorite garment for women to wear while they enjoy themselves here, but also why the cocktail dress is the crown jewel of women’s fashion.  

The reasoning behind my choice here tonight comes down to two simple factors, tradition and occasion. But before I get into all that and close the door on this argument for the rest of time, I’d quickly like to acknowledge my fellow Nard House brethren for their contributions. We all grew up on jeans in middle/high school, so props to Glenborough for the representation there. Cut-off, frayed-out mini shorts re also just DIABOLICAL. Solid choice. Stu picking leggings is such a new-guy move I can’t even believe it, but goddamn do I respect it. When chicks made the transition to just rocking leggings 7 days a week, it was a glorious day for us all. Comfort and butts, that’s what leggings do. Love ‘em. And how about Treehorn smashing the mold with his jersey selection. Didn’t see it coming but I’ll be god damned if I don’t smash a chick in a Rangers sweater and booty shorts before God calls my number.

Now for the main event, the headliner, the bread winner of female garments, the cocktail dress. There’s a reason that in our early years many of us associate dresses with girls and pants with guys. It’s on bathroom signs, it’s in kids books, it’s the way the world works. Brides get married in dresses for a reason. You can go through any era of time, the hottest most important women of the time were wearing dresses.

You think Sinatra was crooning about broads in jeans when he would grace the mic? Does Marilyn Monroe become the cultural icon she has become wearing Lu-Lu Lemon? That’s a NARD on both counts. The dress is the pinnacle of femininity, and the cocktail dress has taken that to the next level.

“’ Tradition Never Graduates.’ – Legends “ – me about cocktail dresses

Now let it be known, the cocktail dress plays vastly different roles in the lives of single men and those of you in a relationship. We’ll explore both sides.

For me as a currently single young gentleman, the cocktail dress serves primarily as a preference and a barometer. If before walking into a bar I was given the choice of what the first girl I make eye-contact with is wearing? It’s a cocktail dress 100 out of 99 times. That’s the dream. Given the fact that that scenario has played out -1 times however, the cocktail dress is usually just an indicator of who the best looking, most confident girls in the place are on a normal weekend night. It’s a scientific fact that the hottest girl in every public establishment worth visiting on a Thursday-Sunday night is rocking a cocktail dress, and her slightly-easier-to-talk-to friends probably are as well.

We also all know what directly comes after a girl says, “Ugh, let me change into something more comfortable.” Well that line was invented in direct response to the tight-hugging nature of the cocktail dress. Call me a hero if you want, but I’m pretty sure I just proved beyond a reasonable doubt that girls are more likely to fuck after wearing one? Combine that mathematical fact with some pedestrian conversation and the indecency to run up a hefty bar tab, and the slightly-easier-to-talk-to friend is assuredly coming back to the crib.

As for those of you who are already spoken for, the cocktail dress is an enormous deal. It almost exclusively signifies an occasion of importance, which means you’re going to have to be on your best behavior. Whether it’s a friends’ birthday, a promotion, an anniversary or anything of the like, it’s 100% more important to her than it is for you and you basically just have to go along with what she says. Sounds awful right? NARD. It keeps you honest. Despite the initial responsibility, the dress switches everything up, and it’ll re-affirm why it was that you sat through the whole season of Orange Is the New Black and why you agreed to go to her family’s house for Christmas instead of your own. When she asks you “So, how do I look?” and you have the split second of disbelief like THIS girl lets me date her and usually have sex with her unless I said something incredibly stupid hours prior? It’s awesome. The cock tail dress fans the flame back to full tilt every time.

OR it’s an enormous wake-up call. She hasn’t fucked you in a while, gave you a hard time about watching football every Sunday since September and then when you see her after all the previously discussed hoopla about this particular occasion and suddenly it’s just like, what? What happened? I spend 68% of my day trying to get out of the doghouse THIS girl puts me in? When did this happen? When was the last time I wasn’t just going along with this? A flood light is cast over the entire relationship. Then the wheels start turning and you begin drafting an exit strategy.

So, to any girls reading this here’s a pro tip: If you’ve been spending a little more time in the dairy isle and a little less time in the gym, for whatever reason it is, and I understand there’s legit hormonal reasons that we could never understand*, just don’t give your guy a hard time for the few days leading up to a cocktail dress event. It’s pretty simple, cut and dry, we’re not hard to keep happy. Or if you’re just a sexy minx hitting those squats regularly and crushing quinoa then just keep running dude’s life, he ain’t going ANYWHERE.

And there you have it, folks. The Legends Suite is glad to have had the honor of hosting you this evening and spitting fire knowledge on the merits of the cocktail dress. Allow the rest of our servers to see you to your car. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sammie Treehorn: The sexiest thing a woman can wear

 Treehorn's Jerseys:

Now let me be specific, when I say girls wearing jerseys I really mean: Girls wearing jerseys and nothing else. It’s JUST the jersey, with maybe some knee socks thrown in. Now I know what you’re thinking: “Treehorn, why is that sexy? It doesn’t show off a woman’s body in any way. A girl might as well poke a hole in a sheet and throw it over herself. You don’t know what you’re talking about Treehorn, please leave.”

I understand the gripes associated with my pick but let me please preface my post by saying that I was the last member of this blog to choose an article of clothing. With Leggings, Cocktail Dresses and Jeans all taken what was I really left with? Girls in Blouses, what a blog!!

So I had to get creative. I had to think of something that makes girls look sexy without actually making them look physically sexy. I had to play the mental game, and being the sports lover I am I landed on jerseys. Now, picture this: It’s a Sunday afternoon, you’re bumming around waiting for football to start, suffering through the pregame show, and your girlfriend/girl from last night/prostitute comes down wearing nothing but your football jersey. She took it upon herself to nakedly rummage through your dresser to find the jersey of your favorite player on your favorite team and throw it over her body. 

As a male sports fan, you know your girl will never love your teams the way you do, but when women combine that innate, sexy female swag with sports, forget about it, nothing is sexier. Women and your sports are like oil and water, when found in nature they do not mix, but when some minx chemist decides to change the chemical makeup of the two, allowing them to flow together, the result is 100 milligrams of sexy. It’s almost as if combining the two is taboo. It’s so wrong, which is why it feels so right.

Jerseys win the garment mental game 150/100.

Girls who wear jerseys are completely flipping the game on its ear. It's one thing for a girl to throw on leggings and be sexy, that's too easy; a real women throws on your Nick Mangold #74 Jersey on gameday. Is it sad that the best and most consistent player on the Jets over the last 8 years has been a CENTER? Yes, but that's a blog for another day.

I finally came across this picture and haven’t left my room in 3 days.

Glenborough: The sexiest thing a woman can wear

*When you're done here, make sure to check out bcase, Treehorn, and Stu's arguments*

When I'm facing a really tough question like this, what I like to do is sit back, turn on the radio, and relax my mind. I take a deep breath and let the music guide me through the vast jungle of thoughts whipping in my head like trees in a storm. And you know what? The music has spoken, my friends. It's spoken Loud And Clear.

"Imma get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight"
Katy Perry, Teenage Dream 

"Blue jean baby
Painted on tight, driving me crazy
Denim daisy
Turning heads all over town
The other girls rocking them mini skirts
But they can't hold a candle to her
My blue jean baby"
Scotty McCreery, Blue Jean Baby

"Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]
Boots with the fur [With the fur]
The whole club was lookin' at her"
Flo Rida, Low 

I could stop right here if I wanted to. These three lyric selections say it all. You've got mainstream pop, solid country, and R&B(?). Jeans are so pervasive, they've found a place at the top of pretty much every culture in America, and they've held that spot for decades.  They defy cultural stereotypes, and they do so because of two very important reasons: they're sexy as all hell, and they're unendingly versatile.

I don't need to describe to you the heart-skipping burst of joy you feel when you see a girl murdering a pair of jeans. They way they seem to defy logic, so tight that it looks impossible that they're even on... The waistline so low you can't help but imagine ripping them off... The way a girl's hips sway just right when they walk in 'em... When she bends down and you see a sliver, just a tiny bit, of what could be a thong... The cut-offs so short that the pockets pop out of the bottom... As bcase so graciously pointed out, this a phenomenon we've all been familiar with since we were googling "boobs" over dial-up.

What I have to do is tell you why they're better than the other garments you've been reading about. And, look, I'd have to be an idiot to deny the merits of the other choices. Anyone with two eyes and a dick can see that. Cocktail dresses are so hot at fancier functions. Leggings absolutely crush the late-morning, going-to-class scene. And on a day in, I can even appreciate a girl in a jersey, despite the fact that I don't own any. Yes, all the other choices are great... in the single situation they're applicable for.

That's the thing, though. They're all one trick ponies.

Jeans, on the other hand, couldn't be more different. Hey girls, you going to the beach on a hot summer day? Cut-off jean shorts are the only answer worth saying. Have to get up early and go to work? Throw on a pair of dark slim jeans, a nice blouse, and a matching fitted jacket, and you're golden. On your way to class? Why not whip out those faded skinny jeans that are tight in all the right places, pair 'em with your most comfortable Uggs and that band t-shirt you cut the collar off of? You'll have the professor drooling.

Winter, spring, summer, fall. Laid back, sophisticated, slutty. Going out, staying in. Jeans are always an option. The best option.

*When you're done here, make sure to check out bcase, Treehorn, and Stu's arguments*