Sunday, March 8, 2015

R.I.P Tinder 2013-2015

So word around the internet is that Tinder is rolling out a new Premium level that'll let people undo matches, and change locations and all that jazz. The catch being, you gotta shell out between $3-6 a month supposedly. FUCK THAT NOISE.

Hey Tinder, I got a question. How many many things associated with dating do hot girls pay for?

  • Dinner?
  • Drinks?
  • Cab Fare?
  • Anything?
Absolutely fucking nothing, and nor should they. So why the FUCK do you clowns think even one hot girl is gonna pay to get hit on? They won't, so thanks.

As somebody who uses Tinder mostly for fun but also is totally willing to see where things might go with somebody, this sucks. I mean if you do the math: maybe 12 out of 100 hot girls who you come across may end up as a match. Of those 12, maybe you get a response from 3 or 4 since most of them are just there for the reassurance that they're hot, with 1 actually being willing to hold a conversation of any sort. So Free Tinder already saddles a regular dude with a 1/100 chance of going out with a legitimately hot match. Six bucks a month isn't gonna make or break my budget, but the point is that no hot girls are gonna go for that, so I guess now we live in a world of limited matches.

For arguments sake lets say you get 25 matches a week on the free version, here's my game-plan:

Monday - 3 Right Swipe
Tuesday- 1 Right Swipe
Wednesday - 2 Right Swipes
Thursday - 7 Right Swipes (Plant seeds or die trying)
Friday - 3 Right Swipes
Saturday - 5 Right Swipes
Sunday - 4 Right Swipes

Weekend-Heavy like you read about. A little "So what were you up to tonight?" on a casual Saturday just to cleanse the palate before the real games begin. Fuck you Tinder, let's do this dance.

**This is already hilairous**

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