Monday, March 16, 2015

Katy Perry Fucked the Banjo Guy from Mumford & Sons

Story Here

What a day for the Banjo Community, huh? Marshall Winston here just putting the team on the back and running train on arguably the hottest/most famous girl in music. Just outrageous, look at that fingerpickin' bastard! Dude is a borderline 4, and Katy Perry is... well, she's Katy Perry, how does that work? I've been on this planet 22 years and still never understand how frumpy guys land smokes. Usually it's money, but not here. Katy's got about 56 times the amount of money than the Banjo Player from Mumford & Sons, yet she fucked him still, nuts. Not hard to imagine his finger-game is NICE, just surprising he got the opportunity.

This will be a nice little background thought for the next time I fire up some Mumford for a Sunday drive or if I'm with a girl or something. Every time the banjo comes in it'll be like, "Hah, yeah, pretty awesome that THAT guy fucked Katy Perry." Just a nice little tidbit for my own enjoyment.

The story here might be how OUTRAGEOUS it is even for Katy Perry to rebound from John Mayer with a guy who plays the banjo. John Mayer is not only on the Mt. Rushmore of 21st Century cocksmen, but he's poised to do more damage than even his fore-fathers before him, Clooney, Jeter and DiCaprio. You hear the stories about how "Your Body Is A Wonderland" is about Jennifer Love Hewitt, you remember that he outed Jessica Simpson as an absolute freakazoid and on down the list you go with conquests such as Minka Kelly, Jennifer Anniston and the like. Katy's gotta come back a lot stronger than THIS!

Bottom Line, Katy Perry needs to bang Leo to straighten all of this out, so the world gets spinning on its axis again. Props to Marshall Winston, I respect the fuck out of a guy who outkicks his coverage by that much, but let's not play around. He got lucky, she's desperate, this isn't gonna be a continuous thing. Katy Perry is in the top 1% people on the planet, Marshall Winston is not, clear as can be. Congrats bro, now let her fuck Leo in Cabo.

PS- New Mumford & Sons sucks dick. "Oh bcase stop, you're so resistant to change." Damn right I am, and you know why?? Because banjo-folk Mumford worked. It got them Grammy's, it got Marshall buns, why change it?? The new song doesn't get good until about 4/5s of the way through, and until that it's basically every song that Coldplay has released in the past 5 years. FUCK that, Coldplay is the #1 most overrated band in history, and I'm sad that a parallel can now be drawn between them and M&S. So go back, boys. Not for me, for Marshall. #FreeBanjoGuy

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